For Canclini the word sustainability means first of all awareness, responsibility and respect, which affects not only the production processes, but also the way in which natural resources are used. The company’s awareness has been for years at the basis of a new development paradigm that is integrated and improved year after year; It is a commitment shared not only by all those who work in our manufacturing plants, but also by our entire supply chain: from the choice of raw materials to the shipment of the product. The Canclini family has always done business ethically, respecting and enhancing both nature and human capital.

Thanks to today's technologies and offices all over the world, Canclini collections travel everywhere. The digital presentations are studied in detail to ensure easy-to-use graphics. Furthermore, thanks to the 3D rendering of the garment, Canclini guarantees an innovative and engaging representation. Through online meeting platforms, our sales team maintains human and direct contact with the customer by setting up personalized appointments for various needs. Our sales team makes use of the best collaborators in offices all over the world which allows maximum flexibility, better contact and less pollution.

Canclini intends to progressively reduce the environmental consequences of industrial activity. The company is interested in the management of its environmental footprint; it has chosen to use energy from renewable sources for the ordinary operation of the company, investing in photovoltaic panels capable of assisting in the normal demand for electricity.
For some years now, the benefits and numbers of energy savings have been considerable. 85% of the energy is used to power the HQ; the remaining 15% indicates the surplus of clean energy produced fed into the system.

In our Headquarter - Guanzate, COMO - columns for charging electric cars for private use have been installed. The large amount of energy provided by solar panels has allowed investments in this renewable resource. In the future, it is our desire to purchase electric cars for the company car fleet, thus amplifying even more the use of green energy. Electric cars and photovoltaic can therefore become a winning combination in both economic and environmental terms to combat emissions and help improve the health of our Earth.

Canclini chooses recyclable materials as a solution for the packaging of its products. The recycling process of paper and cardboard has many advantages: first of all it helps to reduce the waste of cardboard in landfills and therefore helps to protect the ecosystem, reducing the environmental impact. Moreover, the materials are biodegradable and allow the regular maintenance of the ecological balance of the planet.
Every year 300,000 cardboard tubes are used for the yarns: 12.000 KG of cardboard are reused every year. 85% is recycled.

Canclini pays particular attention to a low energy impact production through a careful choice of the most advanced production machinery in terms of energy efficiency. All the machinery in our supply chain is at the avant-garde in terms of environmental impact. Recently, Canclini has purchased technological dyeing machines that save 70% of energy and water compared to traditional ones.

Recently, Canclini has purchased technological dyeing machines that save 70% of energy and water compared to traditional ones. The 1MWe methane cogenerator reduces the consumption of methane and electricity. In addition, 2,000,000 liters of water were saved in one year.
Information from data sourced internally at company and transformation for website and brochures